A. Saunders Worthington

Worthington, L’1897 (1878-?) was a senior partner at the law firm of Worthington & Patterson, Washington, D.C.1

Born in Chillicothe, Ohio, his great-grandfather was Governor Thomas Worthington. He was educated in public schools in Washington, D.C. He worked as a stenographer for the Interstate Commerce Commission in D.C. before attending the Georgetown University Law School. He graduated with the degree of bachelor of laws in 1897 and master of laws in 1900. He passed the D.C. bar in 1902.


  • 1Georgetown University in the District of Columbia, 1789-1907, its founders, benefactors, officers, instructors and alumni. James Stanislaus Easby-Smith. New York : Lewis, 1907

Saunders Worthington


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